Our mission is purposeful production.
Priligy je lék určený pro muže trpící předčasnou ejakulací. Tento nežádoucí jev může negativně ovlivnit sexuální život a sebevědomí mužů. Priligy může pomoci prodloužit dobu trvání sexuálního styku a zlepšit sexuální spokojenost. Důležité je konzultovat užívání Priligy s lékařem a dodržovat doporučenou dávku. Je možné tento lék zakoupit online na stránkách Farma Kokora. Pro více informací a nákup navštivte [Priligy pro předčasnou ejakulaci](http://farma-kokora.cz/i/priligy-koupit-online-cs). Buďte se svým zdravím na pozoru a užívejte léky odpovědně.
From our production hub in Nairobi, Kenya, we connect Africa’s artisans to esteemed luxury brands all over the world. We give our clients and their customers the opportunity to improve, trace, and report on the lives of those involved in their production.
From regional materials to handcrafted bags, basketry, jewellery, and accessories – we create opportunities for the artisans who make them.

Bag making



Add Africa to your story
Combine artisan creativity, production capability and social impact
We engage in projects and partnerships that further our ESG commitment and the attainment of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
In 2021, we strengthen our partnership with the EFI through a collaboration with La Camera Nazionale Della Moda Italiana for the co-creation of an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Due Diligence System. Artisan Fashion is the first producer in Africa to adopt this ESG Due Diligence System. By working with us, brands are welcomed into the EFI network whereby they have the opportunity to be a part of sustainability conversations for the future.

Our mission is to change the cultural stereotype around women impossibility to earn a living. Since 2010, we have successfully proved that, using our beadwork traditional skill, we earn a living but also support our family and improve the general conditions of our community. Our collaborations with Artisan Fashion have allowed us to build semi-permanent houses and a school for our children
– JANE KARIMI Satubo Women Self-Help Group

Capacity building
As part of our mission, we emphasise the potential and importance of capacity-building frameworks for trade opportunities on behalf of marginalised communities

Circular solutions
We provide feasibility studies for the growing number of institutions requiring tangible frameworks and solutions for the promotion and training of circularity practices and policies

Accelerator mentorship
We organise training programmes designed to guide emerging brands through their entire production journeys as they build samples for their upcoming collections
some of our brand partners